Mobile phone

1. How have mobile phones changed in the last 30 years?
The first mobile phones used analog technology and the last used the digital technology.
Then cellular phone technology was faster and much quieter.
The new technology made smaller mobile phones, smaller batteries and other technology that made the phones more energy-efficient.
The Third Generation technology it is also able to transfer other types of data, (emails, information and instant messages).

2. Can you find 5 different ways young people use mobile phones?
1- talking
2- For sending messages
3- Doing photos
4- Listen music
5- Play games

3. Are mobile phones used in the same way in different cultures? Give two examples.
Mobile phones used in diferent way in different cultures.
-In Japan and South Korea , to Scandinavia, to Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong, most children have mobile phone at the age aproximately 8-9.
-Mobile phone usage is banned in some countries, such as North Korea.

4. Do mobile phones affect your privacy?
Yes, because always we send messages for meet friends anb boyfriend or we called them. If one day we are whithout mobile phone we feel incomunicate and strange. But we never use mobile phone for do photos, listen music or play games.
In conclusion, we thing that it's imposible that we have one day whithout mobile phone. We need them.